Saturday, August 31, 2019

Environmental Examples Essay

The lamentable condition of the Amazon River is featured in the You Tube video â€Å"The Amazon Dries Up†. It shows major portions of the river drying up with boats stranded, fish dying because of lack of oxygen, and people traveling far in search of clean water to drink. Going through this video brought up feelings of sadness and anxiety at the same time because of the deplorable status of the environment in the area, and the apparent hopelessness of the situation. Forests have been denuded for the benefit of a few but with a predictably great impact in the offing. It is scary to think about the future basing from this video especially since this video was done in 2006 yet. The emphasis of the film is against deforestation and more emission of greenhouse gases which are said to be the culprits behind the drought in the Amazon. Environmental degradation (Ferris & Stein, Ch. 15) has emerged to become one of the world’s major social problems as humans have acknowledged its effects like global warming (Ferris & Stein, Ch. 15) and climate change. The problem is actually one that is of a major dimension because many people will be affected if these problems continue to worsen. As we feel the effects of global warming, not a lot of the world’s inhabitants may survive and some species may become extinct. Furthermore, climate change can bring about devastations of unknown magnitudes. Just the recent flooding and earthquakes which occurred this year are some typical examples of unexpected destruction to the environment, to man and property. Furthermore, ongoing extinction of species may cause ecological imbalance which may also result to other unanticipated results which are still unknown, and may never be reversed. The environment needs to be everyone’s concern. Taking things one step at a time will not bring anyone to the goal immediately, yet slowly but surely, the goal can be reached. Small simple steps like the 3 Rs : Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, making use of car pools, conserving electricity will all add up to make the goal of making the environment more habitable an attainable possibility. The worst case scenario is one where the leaders we look up to seem to be passive in their stance regarding these issues. Nevertheless, it is still a conglomeration of efforts which will be the best way to address these environmental issues. Works Cited Ferris, Kerry & Stein, Jill, The Real World: An Introduction to Sociology New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2009. Print.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Analyzing and Interpreting Data Essay

As a consultant, Team A has analyzed and interpreted the second set of data. The intent is to increase senior management’s understanding of the sources of employee dissatisfaction and too create a model that predicts employee resignation. The process will be to combine the week two learning team assignment and week three findings with week five findings and make recommendations to BIMS by using the statistical tables given in the appendices of the textbook and a statistical analysis application. Combined Weeks and Recommendations to BIMS The valuable information the first survey has given the employees is if employees would like to stay if he or she was offered some type of bonus for their work and their loyalty to the company. Each employee would be offered extra vacation days each quarter if their performance was high and he or she had no absences. However, questions and concerns were still unanswered completely with the data received. The management team felt that there should be another survey sent out. This next survey would address issues that were not covered in the first one and ask more detailed questions to the employees that are still working for the company as well as past employees. Some outside help to make sure the questions were unbiased was used. It was highly recommended to make sure that any employee who took the survey knew that his or hers answers and opinions would be kept is strict confidentiality. The survey was first tested on upper management to see what he or she thought about the questions on the survey. The survey was then changed to meet the concerns that still were addressed. Another survey was then presented to the upper management for final approval. Employees that were on leave from the company were also asked to take the survey. After the surveys were completed and the data was inputted the company had a better understanding on what were some of the major areas of concern. Communication was on the top of the list. A recommendation that the company can start with is communicating better with his or her employees. Some ways to do this is through more memos, emails, and meetings with department supervisors. The supervisors then can pass on information to their individual workers. This way everyone should know what is going on with the company. The employees have to feel wanted and needed. This can be done through more social events such as company barbeques, Christmas parties, and other outside get-togethers. Having a suggestion box can also do it. Employees can share his or hers opinions or concerns anonymously or he or she can make a suggestion for a change. If he or she’s changes are made within the organization he or she will receive a bonus. Sources of Employee Dissatisfaction From the analysis of the overall data that has been collected throughout the entire process, it has been concluded that the employees and management need to work on a better system of communication and cooperation. The main interpretation of the data is the dissatisfaction of the employees both former and current. This has become epidemic. The deterioration of communication has allowed the production of the company to fall. The intent of the survey and the face-to-face interview was to take a sample of the percentage of the employees not satisfied by the way that the senior management was conducting operations in which the relations of the employees were involved. The employees, as shown from the research, were feeling as though they were not appreciated and that the atmosphere that was gained from the management created a hostile work environment. The senior management wanted the surveys as a way for the employees to be able to make statements without having to place a name to the survey. Employees felt as if they are completely ignored and all suggestions that they had made that could improve relations have gone unheard. They feel as if though the management sees them as nothing more than a number that can easily be replaced without a thought otherwise. Therefore, this leaves the employees morale completely shattered and as that happens, so does the amount of productivity. When the employees feel as if they themselves, as stated by the survey and face-to-face interviews, will not work as hard and as an overall will hurt the company as a whole and they would like the senior management to take into account their disgrievences and communicate better with them. Model for Predicting Employee Resignation BIMS has developed a model for predicting employee resignation and turnover. After reviewing the surveys as well as the exit interviews; BIMS has developed a model based on logistics regression and then analyzing the turnover. They have developed five hypotheses from previous research of the effects of different factors affecting resignations and turnovers. The first hypothesis is based on the length that an employee has been with BIMS and that the more time invested in the company, the less likely they will resign. The belief is that increased tenure strengthens the propensity for employees to remain. The second hypothesis is that higher performing employees are less likely to resign than average to lower performing employees. One way to ensure higher performance is to implement a contingent reward system. In the event of continued low performance from certain employees, BIMS must be aware of the withdraw process: a major reduction in performance, possibly to unacceptable levels, and ending with resignation. The third hypothesis has to do with the age of the employee. The older the employees, the less likely they will resign as opposed to the younger employees and their length of employment. The fourth hypothesis is that more educated employees are less likely to resign than less educated employees. The more educated the employee, the greater the possibility for promotions and wage increases. The fifth hypothesis is that higher paid employees are less likely to resign than lower paid employees. The higher paid employees possess specific skills, which are more valuable to their current employer. In conclusion, if employees are offered incentives they will follow guidelines and achieve ethical practices. With better communication between management and staff it will create teamwork. Staff and management will work together more efficient and their follow through will be more appreciated. Giving the upper management a try at the surveys put them in the employee’s perspective letting them understand how employees feel. The surveys helped management come to the understanding of how to gain the respect back from their employee’s. Reference: McClave, J. T., Benson, P. G., & Sincich, T. (2011). Statistics for business and economics (11th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson-Prentice Hall.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Adam and Eve Creation Essay Example for Free

Adam and Eve Creation Essay ? The Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being.† (Genesis 2:7). The Hebrew for man is pronounced aw-dawm, from which Adam is derived. It’s also related to aw-dawm-ah, which means red earth, or red clay – indicating the natural earth elements that composed Adam’s body, and the body of every human being since. â€Å"The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden [see Where Was The Garden Of Eden?] to work it and take care of it. † (Genesis 2:15). Adam wasn’t going to lead an idle life – he had a job right from his first day. For a little while, Adam was the only human being in existence (imagine being the only person on an entire planet!). â€Å"The Lord God said, â€Å"It is not good for the man to be all alone.† (Genesis 2:18) â€Å"So The Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, He took one of the man’s ribs and closed up the place with flesh. Then The Lord God made a woman from the rib. He had taken out of the man, and He brought her to the man. The man said, â€Å"This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.† For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.† (Genesis 2:21-24) Eve’s original name, when translated, meant simply â€Å"woman,† (a â€Å"female man†) just as Adam was known simply as â€Å"man† (a â€Å"male man†). He called her â€Å"woman,† and she called him â€Å"man.† Later, â€Å"Adam named his wife Eve, because she would become the mother of all the living.† (Genesis 3:20). Eve is derived from the Hebrew word which means life-giving. Eventually, besides Cain And Abel, they had Seth (Genesis 5:3), and numerous other children (Genesis 5:4). â€Å"So God created man in His Own Image, in The Image of God He created him; male and female He created them. God blessed them and said to them, â€Å"Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.† Then God said, â€Å"I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground – everything that has the breath of life in it – I give every green plant for food.† And it was so. God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning – the sixth day.† (Genesis 1:27-31). (see The Seven Days Of Creation) Adam and Eve had a perfect life in Eden. That is, until That Old Serpent slithered in. Fact Finder: What was God’s command to Adam (Eve had not yet been created) regarding a certain two trees in the Garden of Eden? Genesis 2:16-17 Adam and Eve Creation. (2016, Nov 13).

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Ethics and Moral Principles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ethics and Moral Principles - Essay Example The application of moral philosophies to business enterprises is a challenging undertaking especially considering the fact that the market is a mix of various personalities and culture, therefore what seems to be right for one party may be unbecoming for another. This, Hume & Sayre-McCord (2006), emphasize, calls for careful attention when applying these philosophies in diverse world with a mix of personalities Owing to the fact that business ethics is an extension of moral philosophy, several businesses come up with specific organizational culture that enables them to concentrate on enhancing their employees’ moral responsibility. The creation of organizational culture has the benefit of producing honest employees with a refined business ethics. Perhaps application of moral philosophy like enforcing codes of behavior within an organization fosters discipline among the employees in the end. Moral philosophies play a major role as far as employee relations and public perception are concerned. Most people use these philosophies as the yardsticks for determining the moral standing and perception of the organization (Hume & Sayre-McCord, 2006). Ferrell, Fraedrich, and Ferrell (2013) confirm that the behavior of individuals is solely a function of their moral ethics and these in turn affect their ability to make wise and informed decisions. Moral philosophy is an integral part of behavior and decision making in that it shapes the individual ethics of various employees in a business setting for example an employee may decide not to participate in office gossip. Due to the damaging nature of the talks, the employee makes an ethical decision, duly guided by the moral philosophies that they uphold. Employees who embrace the moral philosophy will tend to make wiser decisions in any environment. This philosophy also has the tendency of polishing their general behavior. Another element of behavior and decision-making is the engagement and participation in corporate social responsibility (Ferrell, Fraedrich, & Ferrell, 2013).  This may include the employees taking the initiative to help the needy, and actively participating in improving the social and economic conditions of the immediate environment. Individuals act in a responsible manner and shun self-interest to devoting service to humanity due to the virtues that moral philosophy instills on them. This shift of behavior and decision-making skills is beneficial both to the organization, and to the public at local and regional levels (Ferrell, Fraedrich, & Ferrell, 2013).   With many organizations across the world adopting moral philosophies in their business environment, certain global strategic plans have received a boost, as they require the spirit of moral and ethical responsibility from each one of us (Gillroy, & Bowersox, 2002).  . A classic example is the going green initiative. Virtually all organizations participate in environmental conservation activities like reducing and reu sing environmental waste. This global initiative propelled by moral philosophy, has attained major milestone in curbing global warming that is part of the global strategic plan. Hence, moral philosophies have a positive impact on the global strategic planning. Gillroy, and Bowersox (2002) state that moral philosophies may have a significant impact in the alleviation of poverty around the world especially in the hard hit nations in Africa through embracing the recommendation

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Intercultural communication class- Project Report Coursework

Intercultural communication class- Project Report - Coursework Example I met four African Americans and two Americans of British origin. The experience was strange yet engaging. The experience in deed challenged my comfort zone. I am an introverted individual who finds it difficult to interact freely with people. The situation becomes worse when I have to interact with strangers. The walk was as tiring just as it was adventurous. I tried as much as I could to play with the children occasionally and engaged the few adults I met in casual conversations. At one instance, a group of unruly male African American youths stopped and roughed me up thereby making me regret the idea. I presented myself the best way I could thereby enticing them into walking me around their neighborhood. With them as my tour guide, the remaining part of the evening became lively and gratifying. I became their friend and they promised to visit me some time later. Among the intercultural communication challenges, I faced included facing the societal stereotypes. I could not speak the English language as fluently as most of the people could. This made me vulnerable to their ridicule as they readily identified my background. Additionally, I could not identify some of the features of the new environment. The unique popular culture for example was difficult to comprehend. The marauding youths were loud, rough and appeared disorderly. They approached my in a condescending tone and often blurted abusive words which I later realized did not mean any harm. The walk was equally long and laborious. It therefore challenged my comfort zone given the fact that I do not like walking. Despite the numerous challenges I faced on the day, I learnt fundamental lessons including interpersonal skills that will help me overcome some of the challenges presented by intercultural communication. I played with the children, talked to a four adults and interacted peacefully with the unruly African American youths. I faced the youths courageously a moved that proved the fact

Monday, August 26, 2019

Social Inequality and the Law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Social Inequality and the Law - Case Study Example (ii) There is another matter that, both of them are black murder cases. The judgment and the subsequent actions are said to be based on the fact that the victims were blacks. It is another similarity with the two cases that no offender was found even after a very pinpoint search. As in accordance with the changes in British law that came as an effect of the case of Stephen Lawrence James' father would have aremedy. David Blunkett who was a Home Secretary of Bratain introduced that, the Parliament of Britain forfited the provision against double jeopardy that was previously a strict prohibition. If there is a new and compelling evidence, retrials are now allowed. This is a positive aspect of James father.After the passing of The Race Relations (Amendment) Act (RRAA) 2000,it is more easy for the father of James to go to the Court and get a remedy from the Government. Whether the poor people, women and those from Black and minority ethnic classes are often barred from accessing to justice that is totally dependent on the practice of a state and the people live there. By proven information it can be stated that there is a relation between the race people and the police regarding the combating against racism. Because of institutional racism, or by mixing with other people from other ethnic communities through social events, some of the institutions supply an environment where users can change themselves into basic stream of the society by entering the offices from which they have enjoyed less access. Social justice and Social inclusion is necessary to guarantee full citizenship. Shifting conditions and formative culture are the suggestion of removing entire impartiality. Privilege of every proceeds, fortification and other obligatory requirements; recompense and life likelihood for all; and falling or diminishing excessive inequalities are the keys to take the behind people ahead. The major conference summit of the equalities program has been to protect strict groups from grievance, domination or exploitation, and agonize. There have been groups with natural behavior to struggle against femininity, disability and sexual course. In this situation there is a problem to broaden the religious relationship, social source, tongue and political thinking and opinions - and to focus on celebrating diversity and understanding how inequality arises and how they can be discussed. Service, goods and services in restricted access, under-representation in political, economic and community decis ion making; grass root level people in society; separation, i.e., through restricted employment opportunities; express unfairness; as well as pestering, threats and aggression are aspects of variation in rights. Almost every people in white groups can not take help from full citizenship - they are socially disqualified. Discrimination is of the processes that deny people from full nationality. Social justice can be best acquired through considering the dissimilar wishes of white classes. The requirements of women using public convey, given private security concerns, may vary to the

FINANCIAL SERVICES MARKETING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

FINANCIAL SERVICES MARKETING - Essay Example The financial service business is more about building a fruitful and beneficial relationship for both the parties. The key to this successful relationship is customer satisfaction, trust and commitment. The customer should be satisfied with the services they are getting from the financial institution they are engaged with and they must have an idea that this is the best which they can get and may not be considering switching to competitors at any point in time. This service industry is Business to Business (B2B) or Business to Customer (B2C) by nature. It requires internal marketing of its values and the ideology about customer satisfaction which needs to be delivered. The staff must be competent enough to understand and satisfy the needs of the customers. It should define the staff clearly that their role is not only to deal with the customers face to face but also to support and assist the customers with the interface. This requires relationship management which is concerned direct ly to cater customers and be interactive with them regarding ongoing purchases and future benefits available about making certain transaction. The financial market is complicated and risky both, so the new entrants must be communicated about the volatility of the market. DIFFERENTIATION To create value of the product for the customer the marketer must first understand the nature of the financial service themselves. They must always seek for opportunities to create differentiation of the product. These opportunities can be sought by understanding the culture and norms of the individuals. Usually all that a marketer can do is to make a value proposition and then the customer will derive value in use from the offerings....Studying about the functionality of various markets can improve that skill of adaptability. This course of Financial Services Marketing has highlighted many areas and challenges which a business of such nature has to face. Learning about these challenges has helped me in assessing all the businesses and their functionality. CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION Today’s job market has become very competitive. Employees have to undergo through several challenges on every walk of their career. Only those individuals who think outside the box become successful. It was creativity and innovation which made Steve Jobs and Bill gates successful. Wait for the right opportunity and avail it when it comes with the right attitude. Following the above mentioned attitude ensures success. Always be prepared for challenges because only those people who get through these challenges accomplish their goal. ENHANCED ANALYTICAL SKILLS Studying Financial Service Marketing has enhanced my analytical skills to great extent. I am positive that this will help increase my chances of future employability. Thorough learning provided me with the opportunity to analyze a large volume of data. This course has prepared me about how to apply various marketing models to analyze or speculate a business. Now, I can deal with problems more effectively and hope to handle problems before they become a major problem.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Which form of social media is best for an organisation to use Dissertation

Which form of social media is best for an organisation to use - Dissertation Example And the impact of face-book in the world of business and on its total sale as compared to others. However, all these evaluations are obtained with the help of secondary research methods such as literature review as compared to primary research. And finally the dissertation is completed with the fact that, face-book is the best for any organizations as compared to other sites. In this age of stiff competitive and high bargaining power of the customers, maximum extent of the entrepreneurs or organizational management desires to present high-end inventive products. This is done in order to satisfy the changing needs and demands of the customers of recent era so as to retain them for longer period of time. However, it might be possible only if the entrepreneur or organizational management desires to offer high-level of concentration over advertisements or promotional campaigns. This might help in enhancement of the awareness level of the customers thereby amplifying the demand and profit ability of the organization in the market as compared to many other rival players. But, introduction of information technology has changed the definition of advertisement entirely. Now a day, advertisement or promotion means vivid description of the features or benefits of the products in social media’s like face-book, twitter, Orkut, LinkedIn, Pin-interest and many others. This is because; introduction of information technology enhanced the craze of social media’s as compared to conventional advertising tactics (Macdonald, 2013, pp. 256-356). This dissertation is divided into five phases mainly highlighting the importance of social media in enhancing the profitability of the business. Along with this, it also describes, which might be the best form of social media (face-book or twitter) among many others so as to improve the prosperity of the business. Therefore, the prime question that might be discussed in this dissertation through secondary research methods is, whe ther face-book or twitter appears to be the best form for any organizational up-liftment. Discussion Literature review Importance of Social Media According to Bregman (2012), social media acts as a weapon to flight against extreme competition and rivalry among the existing contenders. Social media also helps the organization to develop a recognised position for itself and its products thereby amplifying its reputation in the entire globe among many other rival players. As a result of which, it helps in enhancing the awareness of the targeted customers thereby amplifying the demand and total revenue of the organization in the market as compared to others. And so, the brand image and market share of the organization might get amplified resulting in amplification of the total profit margin. Therefore, it might be clearly stated that social media acts as a supporting medium to create and protect digital reputations in an effective and efficient way. Hence, from the above mentioned point s, it might be clearly revealed that social media plays a very important role in enhancing the portfolio of an organization in this age of extreme competition. And due to such unde4rlining reason, maximum extent of the entrepreneurs or organizational managements, prefer to comprise of a popular social media reputation. Apart from this, as per Jue & et. al. (2009), the craze of social media or social networking sites enhanced mainly due to the advancement of technologies in this age of

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Feminist Critique and the Postmodern Challenge to Anthropology Essay

The Feminist Critique and the Postmodern Challenge to Anthropology - Essay Example Feminism, as an ideal, is the collection of movements, associations, groupings and or establishments that aim at defending, defining and establishing equality in the spheres of social rights, politics and the economy; this pertaining to women. In addition, the ideal promotes the creation and provision of equal opportunities for women in both education and also in employment. Thus, a feminist is a person who’s behavioral and belief systems are based on the ideal of feminism (Fruzzetti 39). From the afore-mentioned feminist movements, associations and groupings emerged the Feminist theory, which aimed at understanding the causes and reasons for the presence of gender inequality. This understanding was based on the examination of women lived experiences and social roles throughout history and into the contemporary 21st Century. From it emerged different theories that touched on a variety of disciplines; this so as to respond and subsequently address issues such as the social cons truct of gender and sex. Some earlier forms of the theory received criticism for their taking into consideration only educated, white middle-class perspectives. As a result, of this criticism, was the creation of multi-culturalist and/ or ethnically-specific forms of the theory (Cott 73). Feminists campaign on the platform of ‘Women’s Rights’ – bodily integrity, reproductive rights (including access to abortion and contraceptives), women’s suffrage, equal pay, right to property and entry into contracts (contract law), and also voting. They seek to protect girls and women from domestic violence, sexual assaults and harassments among other violations. Due to its radical nature, this ideal has attracted its share of both criticism and blessings; this in the form of pro-feminism and anti-feminism ideologies. Feminism and Anthropology As a result of the feminist critique to anthropology, the approach – Feminist anthropology – emerged. It so ught to study cultural anthropology and correct the perceived andro-centric bias within the field. Its origin can be traced to early anthropologists such as E.E. Evans-Pritchard and James Frazer, who both displayed much interest in the notions of marriage and kinship. Women would thus, always appear in their ethnographies. Henrietta Moore, who is a prominent theorist in (the school of thought of) feminist anthropology, though of the opinion that women had been included in anthropological research and theory, was of the view that the problem was not the presence of women in anthropology, but in its representation, interpretation and understanding (Bratton10). According to her, it is how women are included in anthropology that matters. Thus, the challenge, then, was to avail new critical analysis on the existing anthropological literature, including creation of new research that placed the ‘Woman’ in the centre of it. This led to the emergence of self-conscious feminist a nthropology in the 1970s; this as a series of challenges to the male-dominated and biased anthropology. Rayna Rapp, in her work - Toward an Anthropology of Women (1975), was one of the earliest contributors to this emerging school. She argued that women and men experience gender differently; this in reference to the myriad of social markers. The experiences of women were in themselves a legitimate subject for

Friday, August 23, 2019

Software engineering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Software engineering - Essay Example Development of programming languages was at the initial stages and much work has to be in field of software technology. The hardware equipment used in programming were huge and weighed in tons. To operate one computer more than 10 persons were required. The space required for it was just like an auditorium. The expenses on maintenance were sky high. It was very time consuming effort for even to do simple mathematic calculations. Research on development of software technologies was given more importance and works on these issues were employed. Many companies realized the importance of development of software technology and many research institutes were developed accordingly. After the development of some programming languages like FORTRAN the importance of programming concepts were realized and companies like IBM, Microsoft, Apple, etc., invested heavily on the development of these technologies. The problems faced by these companies were: Development Time problem: In the development of large systems sometimes technology goes through a generation change from the time it was first conceptualized to the tie of delivery. Sometimes systems have to be reprogrammed completely. System User Interface problem: At the time of initial designing of the technology many associated operational procedures were neglected. This resulted in delay in the development process and need of other additional requirements. Additional hardware as well as software was frequently needed to meet the requirements. These problems can be prevented through operational timelines. Test and Integration problem: In the early stages of software development insufficient thought was given to integration and testing. Appointing experienced programmer and conducting tests at all levels can avoid problems. Maintenance problem: The expenditure was huge for the maintenance. The best way to cut costs is to design the code in such a way that changes can be accommodated frequently. Software development life cycle (SWDLC) models were used in developing a software product. SWDLC models helps in understanding the problem, design of a solution and tests on the solution can be performed in an operational environment. Some of the SWDLC are generic waterfall model, department of defense model, spiral model, NASA model, incremental developmental model, evolutionary prototype model, reuse and automated development models, etc. SWDLC process goes through five phases. They are (1) requirement analysis, (2) design specification, (3) coding and unit testing, (4) test and integration and (5) acceptance test. The people involved in software development process are: 1. Operators/Users: These are the end users who use the final products of the software system. Directly or indirectly users are involved in the development of software products. Keeping user's requirements in mind companies develop the final product. Since users are the key to the success of the final product most of the companies takes user's conceptions and develops the product accordingly. 2. Client: Client may be a person or a firm

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Philips Maps Out a New Direction - Case Analysis Essay Example for Free

Philips Maps Out a New Direction Case Analysis Essay Philips, the electronics manufacturer, has developed a plan to increase profits, shareholder value, and market positioning by 2010. The first step in the process is CEO Gerard Kleisterlee. Upon taking the top position, Kleisterlee was able to affect an immediate 4% rise in share prices by simply announcing the marketing make over plan. He believes that a focus on innovating and branding will be the key to the plan’s success. The strategies that Kleisterlee is employing are consolidating six operating units into three, acquiring similar or enhancing technology companies, and entering into emerging markets. The six existing units will merge into three divisions, Consumer Lifestyle, Philips Healthcare, and Philips Lighting. Each division will be run by a CEO recruited from within the other existing Philips operating units. The rationale for the consolidations is to ‘save on logistical and back-office costs,† and to increase revenues by 5-6% for each unit. Philips will also acquire existing technology companies that deal with a specific technology, most likely incorporating those acquisitions into one of the three divisions. Philips is also penetrating emerging consumer markets like China to build brand recognition and create a dedicated market base. Strategic Issues: Problems and Opportunities Philips has some issue to overcome, particularly name or brand recognition, and stagnate earnings and profits. As stated the name Philips is associated with laxatives and tools. The parent company Royal Philips Electronics produces a wide range of products from light bulbs, to electric shavers, home medical devices, and semiconductors. Even though stock prices rose quickly when Kleisterlee took over, sales and earnings have not increased significantly. Kleisterlee’s goal of increasing pre-tax margins by 10% will require an increase in sales along with the decrease in operating expenses which is the goal of consolidating operating units. According to the case study, Philips has no debt on their balance sheet. This financial position is a great investment opportunity. As noted, it makes cash available for acquisitions of other technology companies whose operations can provide immediate revenue growth to Philips’ bottom line. Second, it allows Philips to invest marketing dollars into the newly created divisions and into emerging markets creating the sought after name and brand recognition. Analysis and Evaluation Philips as a whole has enhanced its rankings in important areas as brand rankings, brand value, and innovations. Consolidated and highly targeted operating divisions allow Philips to focus on marketing three different product lines in the same market. Philips has an opportunity to saturate any one or all of three unique markets. Operating as individual units allows each division to operate as an independent company with independent marketing strategies. However, by building on the parent company’s brand name, Royal Philips Electronics, each division can enhance their market positions by taking on the reputation that has been developed. The challenge for Phillips, and the continuing opportunity, is to try maintain a virtually debt free balance sheet. This will help not only in acquiring exiting technology companies, but will allow Philips to invest in technology companies in the emerging markets that they want to target. As is pointed out, in China, local technology firms can reclaim a certain market share. However, Philips can invest in the local technology market buying technology specific firms, and adding their market reputation to a local manufacturing partner. Conclusion Royal Philips Electronics, simply known as Philips, is developing into a global marketer of different but related products. The key to Philips’ success so far is to consolidate operations, acquire existing technologies, remain debt free, and penetrate emerging markets. The key to Philips’ continuing success is to invest in emerging markets as a way of enhancing the market positioning of each operating unit while drawing on and maintaining the parent company brand and name reputation.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Energy drink Essay Example for Free

Energy drink Essay Energy drinks should be regulated due to the fact that they cause health problems and the consumer is not aware because there are minimal, if any, labels. They claim to have some nutritional value in them said to give a â€Å"quick burst of energy. † In today’s market, there are so many different types of energy drinks that teenagers consume like Monster and Red Bull. Within these drinks there are numerous ingredients that may lead to some health risks. It has been requested from the Food and Drug Administration to regulate these energy drinks by enforcing stricter labeling methods of the ingredients and possible side effects (Farley 1). Since consumers do not know what they are consuming monthly, or even daily, they later face health problems like caffeine intoxication, which may lead to an increase in heart rate and blood pressure (Farley 1). Energy drinks are composed of several different ingredients, but the main ones are B-vitamins, guarana, taurine and caffeine. The B vitamin, a ready source of energy, is added to the energy drinks to make up for a dietary deficiency. Guarana comes from the seeds of the guarana plant whose seeds contain high levels of caffeine. Guarana can contain â€Å"three to four times the amount of caffeine as coffee beans† (Sabbah 1). Taurine, an amino acid that the body produces naturally, is responsible for regulating your heart beat, muscle contractions and energy levels. When all of these ingredients are lavished, it causes great harm to the body and consumers need to know this. Few energy drinks include warnings about the possible health risks they might contain like caffeine intoxication. It can raise heart rate and blood pressure while dehydrating the body. When there is an excess of caffeine intake, an individual may notice disrupted sleep, dehydration, kidney damage, and high blood pressure (Sabbah 1). In addition to the overwhelming amount of caffeine in these drinks comes an absurd amount of sugar. An eight -ounce can of an energy drink contains thirteen tablespoons of sugar. Energy drinks are unhealthy because they can create long-term health problems for people when taken in large amounts.. College students are more prone to drinking energy drinks to due fact that they stay up late to study. A survey of 496 college students found that 51% of those surveyed regularly consumed more than one energy drink per month. Most of them said it was a common element consumed every week because of insufficient sleep and the desire to increase energy (Seifert et al. 516). It is highly looked upon energy drinks to help students stay alert and focused in their studies, but they need to know the effects of drinking too many of them. The FDA should require manufacturers to put warning labels on their energy drink cans, list their caffeine content on the cans, and limit the amount of stimulant they contain. The FDA has not done anything but impose limits because energy drinks are not classified as beverages, but are labeled as â€Å"dietary supplements† (Seifert et al.520). Therefore, companies have no restrictions on the amount of ingredients or even which ones they choose to place in their products. Consequently, the public cannot be assured of its safety. In order to emphasize the fact that these drinks are â€Å"healthy† for the consumer, the companies include ingredients such as vitamins, minerals, and herbs. They may not understand what the ingredients do to their body, but seeing the ingredient â€Å"vitamins† automatically makes them feel like it is good for their health. A vital part of energy drink advertising is the slogans they use which must be catchy and memorable. For example, Red Bull’s slogan is â€Å"Red Bull gives you Wings,† and Monsters slogan â€Å"Unleash the beast. † These slogans are obviously directed toward a younger crowd. Those teenagers seeking for acceptance will do anything possible to raise their popularity level, so they drink them constantly. Energy drink companies understand the psychological aspect of advertising, which is why they are becoming so successful. When caffeine is taken in moderation, it is not harmful. Caffeine is comparable to sugar in the sense that it will only cause harm when consumed in large amounts. That is just the problem. Energy drinks do not have a moderate amount of caffeine in them, they have way too much. The fact that young adults do not know moderation, leads them to drinking ten energy drinks just to impress their friends without knowing the consequences. Energy drink companies do not provide the public with enough information of what their products contain and do to the body. They manipulate customers into believing their drinks will help improve their life by saying vitamins and minerals are included. These companies do not tell their buyers about the possible long-term effects these drinks can have on their bodies. Energy drinks have absolutely no health benefits to a person’s body when taken in moderate amounts, but the potential dangers outweigh anything that might possibly be gained. They give a quick burst energy, which is quickly followed by a power lapse. In conclusion, FDA regulation in energy drinks should enforce labels to include ingredients, possible effects towards the consumers’ health, and health risks when too many of them are being consumed. Works Cited Farley, Kate. â€Å"Energy Drinks May Pose a Health Risk. † The Dartmouth; 13 January 2009: p1-2. Access World News. Web. 1 February 2013. Sabbah, Jessica. â€Å"Experts Say Energy Drinks Need Regulation with Increased Consumption. † The Northern Star; 13 April 2009: p1-2. Access World News. Web. 1 February 2013. Seifert, Sara M. , Schaechter, Judith L. , Hershorin, Eugene R. , Lipschultz, Steven E. â€Å"Health Effects of Energy Drinks on Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults. † Pediatrics; March 2011: p511-528, Academic Search Complete. Web. 1 February 2013.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Whiskey Ring Scandal

The Whiskey Ring Scandal Was the Whiskey Ring a public scandal? Yes, the Whiskey Ring was in fact a public scandal. This is true according to many different sources, this is because it could not be destroyed because of its strong political connections. The Whiskey Ringwas a group of whiskey distillers, (they were dissolved in 1875) and they made secret plans to defraud the federal government of taxes. They operated mainly in St. Louis, Mo., Milwaukee, Wisconsin andÂÂ   Chicago. The Whiskey Ring pursued Internal Revenue officials and other people involved in the scandal in Washington to keep the liquor profits for themselves. Benjamin H. Bristow, (secretary of the Treasury) had organized an investigation which was meant to be a secret and this idea exposed the ring meaning the results ended in 238 indictments and 110 convictions. Claiming that the idea was illegal, the tax money (which was being held illegally) was being used in the Republican Partys national campaign for President Ulysses S. Grant to be re-elected, which raised suspicion for the public. Although President Grant was not suspected to do this, his private secretary (Orville E. Babcock) was pointed out in the secret plan, but ended up being declared guilty after President Grant testified to his innocence. There were many people involved in The Whiskey Ring scandal. At the time of the scandal, the president of the United States was President Ulysses S. Grant. Grant didnt know about The Whiskey Ring Scandal, but he was responsible for giving jobs to many old friends who ended up being dishonest. President Ulysses S. Grant (original name Hiram Ulysses Grant), was born on April 27, 1822 in Point Pleasant. He graduated from West Point in 1843, where he was known as a skilled horseman, but he was not so good of a student. Grant was authorized as a lieutenant in the 4th U.S. Infantry, and he was then stationed at Jefferson Barracks, Missouri which was near St. Louis. After Grant was done with his schooling years, he met his spouse Julia Dent, which was the sister of one of his West Point classmates. After seeing action in the Mexican-American War, President Grant was to return to Missouri and then had married Julia, (his spouse) in August of 1848. The couple had four children together. In th e early years of their his marriage, President Grant was assigned to a series of remote army posts, and some of them were on the West Coast which parted and eventually separated him from his family. He then resigned from the military in 1854. Grant was introduced to the White House during Reconstruction era. As president, Grant tried his hardest to keep a peace bond between the North and South territories. He also supported ideas from former confederate leaders and meanwhile was attempting to help and protect freed slaves civil rights. In the year of 1870, Amendment number 15 was ratified. This amendment gave black men a right to vote. Grant then signed a legislation in order to limit activities of white terrorist groups, like the Ku Klux Klan, which used violence to scare blacks and prevent them from voting in elections. At various times in the chaos, the president stationed federal troops throughout the South to keep law and order. The highly judgmental group involved in the scand al charged that Grants actions violated states rights, while others knew and supported the fact that the president did not do enough to protect freedmen. In 1877, after leaving the White House, President Grant and his family pursued a two-year trip around the world. While they were abroad, they met with dignitaries and cheering crowds in many of the countries they visited. At the Republican National Convention 1880, a group of delegates voted to nominate Grant for president again; but James Garfield (a U.S. congressman from Ohio (1831-1881), ultimately earned the nomination instead of Grant. After those events, Grant went on to win the general election and become the 20th U.S. president. Grant was the U.S. commander of the union armies of the American Civil War during the years of 1864-1865 and the 18th president of the United States. Stated in the article Reconstruction and Corruption in the Grant Administration, When Grant took office he admitted that he lacked political experienc e. In his inaugural address he said, The office has come to me unsought. Grant strongly believed in racial equality, not only in the South, but also in the North. In his inaugural address he spoke in favor of security of a person, property, and free religious and political opinion in every part of our common country. Grant took no action as president to enforce this belief, however, and his motto guided him: Let us have peace.' Grant had a very powerful presence and did his best to be a good president. Next, United States 30th Secretary of the Treasury Benjamin H. Bristow, (he was an American lawyer, the first Solicitor General, a union military officer, reformer, civil rights advocate and a republican party politician). Also, Orville E. Babcock, (which who was acquitted through the personal intervention of the president), 4th, John McDonald (former senator), Last, John B. Henderson, (Co-author of the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution and government official and United States Senator from Missouri). These individuals were also a part of many more events throughout history. The Whiskey Ring was fast to include hundreds of government officials and also people in the liquor industry throughout the Midwest. The Whiskey Ring that was revealed in May 1875, with its center at St. Louis. The Whiskey Ring scandal had a very simple idea. According to the article named, Secrets of the great Whiskey Ring, Here, in very simple terms, is how the scam worked: Sometime around 1870, government agents charged with keeping an eye on how much whiskey was being made, arranged to ignore a certain percentage of the distillate in return for cash in the amount of roughly half the money the distillery would have paid in taxes.ÂÂ   When straight tax collectors who were not part of the ring were due to call, the distillers were forewarned to play safe and pay up. Whiskey distillers paid federal agents with massive bribes. In return the federal agents helped the distillers evade federal taxes on the whiskey they produced and sold. Whiskey was supposed to be taxed at 70 cents per gallon, but the distillers could pay off agents involved in the ring for 35 cents per gallon. The crooked whiskey was stamped as having its tax paid by the agents and the distiller made great profit. The scandal itself was a group of public officials who defrauded the federal government of liquor taxes. According to Andrew Wanko (Public Historian), Millions of dollars in annual taxes were being siphoned off in an elaborate scandal. The Whiskey Ring involved hundreds of individuals across half the nation. Nearly half of those involved worked though St. Louis, with the rest spread across major cities including Chicago, Milwaukee, Cincinnati, New Orleans and Washington D.C. Among the Conspirators, were storekeepers, distillers, politicians, reporters, U.S. Treasury workers and IRS agents. The corruption stretched all the way to General Orville E. Babcock (Private Secretary), to President Grant and a Whiskey Ring plotter. From 1870 to 1875, the Whiskey Ring was still in effect. Also, many other significant events that happened around the time of The Whiskey Ring, which may have had an impact on this scandal. The first event that happened was The Franco-Prussian War, which was Bismarcks influence on the German states which lead to a year long conflict in which France was defeated against. Another event that occurred in 1870, would be when congress adopts the Fifteenth Amendment. This very much had an impact on The Whiskey Ring. The 15th Amendment of the United States Constitution forbids all governments in the United States from denying a citizen the right to vote based on that citizens color or race. The 15th amendment was ratified on February 3rd of 1870. What is interesting about this is that there was no mention made of gender, and it then took another 50 years to guarantee that women had a right to vote, with the Nineteenth Amendment in 1920. Another example is John D. Rockefeller. In 1870, he for med the Standard Oil of Ohio company. By 1890, Standard Oil controlled 88% of oil in the U.S. John D. Rockefeller was a chairman and major shareholder, founder, and the company he worked with made him the richest man in history. By the year of 1871, British Columbia became apart of Canada. Last, finally recognized as an imperial territory by Britain, Britain was named British Columbia in 1858, and became part of Canada in 1871. There was a lot of background talk about The Whiskey Ring. This includes the rumors. An example would be that Orville E. Babcock was acquitted through the personal intervention of the president. Many people believed that The Whiskey Ring was part of a plot to finance the Republican party by fraud but this rumor was actually never proven. There were also various rumors that people involved in The Whiskey Ring in St. Louis were openly advertising that the prosecutors would not be pressed until the end, because if they were they would reach the white house. The rumors about The Whiskey ring were an issue. They were causing problems. Due to President Grants incompetency and the other sandals within his administration, by the end of year 1874, President Grant was no longer popular among his people. Although he was thinking about running for a third term, he had once told the congress that he was in fact not prepared for the office at all. In fact, people within his administration were without hope, in result of some of the people he had chosen to work with him. The rumors of The Whiskey Ring were coming to a truth and many people at the White House were relieved when Browstow was appointed to the Treasury. Bristow was a very well respected man. One of his first acts of Treasury was to grant money to highly sort out the alleged corruption within the Internal Revenue Service. With the help from news and papermen in St. Louis, Treasury (Bristow), was about to crack the ring wide open. During The Whiskey ring, the government was specifically affected by the Republican party, which contributed to the national weariness of Reconstruction which had ended after Grants presidency with the compromise of 1877. The Whiskey Ring was a cause and effect event, just like many. Soon after the Civil War, taxes were raised to some very high levels. In some cases, the price of liquor was raised up to eight times the price. Meaning people had to pay way more than normal price. Grant was not directly involved in the scandal but his reputation was damaged, as a result. The scandal, along with other abuses of power by the Republican party, contributed to national weariness of Reconstruction, which ended after Grants presidency with the Compromise of 1877.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Comparing Mistaken Identity in Merchant of Venice, Comedy Errors, Twelf

Mistaken Identity in Merchant of Venice, Comedy of Errors, Twelfth Night and As You Like It   Ã‚  The ploy of mistaken identity as a plot device in writing comedies dates back at least to the times of the Greeks and Romans in the writings of Menander and Plautus. Shakespeare borrowed the device they introduced and developed it into a fine art as a means of expressing theme as well as furthering comic relief in his works. Shakespeare's artistic development is clearly shown in the four comedies The Merchant of Venice, As You Like It, Twelfth Night, and Measure for Measure where he manages to take the germinal idea of mistaken identity and expand it to peaks its originators never fathomed.    In Shakespeare's first comedy, The Comedy of Errors, mistaken identity is the sole impetus behind the action, as it had been with its original sources. The germinal idea of asking how one really knows who one is is introduced, but the conflicts that occur between appearance and reality are not totally realized. This will be accomplished by Shakespeare's maturing comic style as he begins to recognize all the varying aspects presented by the ploy of mistaken identity.    In its simplest form, mistaken identity is shown in Twelfth Night where twins are mistaken for each other enhancing the comic confusion of the plot. This basic concept is taken deeper, however, when it is recognized that one twin is actually a girl who would not normally be mistaken for her brother. This only happens because she has resorted to disguise. Viola masquerading as Cessario opens the doors for many double meanings in dialogue through a great deal of playing with words. When her twin brother Sebastian arrives, the comic elements reign as her meek natur... to everyone.    These are only a few of the ways Shakespeare altered mistaken identity by expanding the concept to include disguise, self-delusion, and theme. It is impossible to fully develop all the uses and expansions this basic comic device received in Shakespeare's hands even when dealing with the limited scope of plays we are looking at in this question. It is also impossible to isolate one aspect of this development from the others because Shakespeare intertwined them in such a way that in his growth as a comic writer he took the ploy of mistaken identity and used it in its totality of meaning. Ultimately, mistaken identity is a subtle thread underlying virtually every comic action studied in these four works. Through his development of this simple comic device we clearly see one aspect of the whole that makes up Shakespeare's creative genius.   

lets get drunk :: essays research papers

People I have been influenced by   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many people have influenced me through out my life. I have chosen only one person to talk about today. This person is my girlfriend she has influenced me in many different ways. In this paper I will explain some of the ways she has had an influence on my life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This whole thing started about one and a half years ago I was in the 12th grade.I met a girl named Brandi Morton we started talking to each other and then we went on a few dates. And you know as well as I do what happens after a few dates. You go on more dates and then you consider yourself boyfriend and girlfriend or dating. One of the things that I noticed about this girl is that it was in December and she was wearing flip flops. So after we had been dating for a while summer was here and I really did not wear sandles but she insisted on me buying a pair of flip flops. So I tried them out and now here it is in January and I am still wearing them right along with her. So I dont think she is crazy anymore for wearing sandles in the winter time.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Up untill just recently I had a bad habit that a lot of people share unwantedly. I had a smoking problem it was not bothering me very much. But Brandi did not like it at all she kept telling me not to do it, but you know I still did. I just decided I would not smoke around her so I tried not to be around her when I had been smoking. But that did not work she would surprise me and come visit me then she would get upset because I had been smoking. So finanlly I decided to quit smoking completely and now when I see her I dont have to worrry about her smelling smoke on me or tasting it on my breath.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Here is a little something that she influenced me to do. For a while I had been thinking about getting my tongue pierced.Well I talked to her about it and we agreed that it would be a good thing that we both would enjoy. So the day before Halloween I went to a place called Tattoo Charlies and got it done. I was surprised

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Physics of Robots :: physics robot robots

Definition of a Robot A Robot is a reprogramable, multi-functional manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools, or a specialized devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of variety of tasks. In order to make a robot do anything it has to have a program or a set of programs that tell it to do certain tasks. Robots come in all different shapes and sizes. Some robots have been used to try and look and behave physically like a human being. Other robots are used for home entertainments. For example there is a robotic dog that now for sale that can behave and act like a dog. The nice thing about having a robotic dog is a person could shut it off when they get tired of it. Different Kinds of Robots Some robots have arms, legs, heads, wheels, and etc. There are robots that are used in big industrial factories. General Electric uses robotic arms to weld. The robotic arms can weld with such great precision that it looks perfect. There are also robots that have been used in movies such as Mighty Joe Young, Star Wars, and Jurrasic Park. Then there are also miniture robots that are designed like small insects such as horseflys and ladybugs. You can read about the insect robots in the National Geographics Magazine. The Structure of the Robotic Hand A robotic hand can be designed in different ways. The most important is that there is a wrist, fingers, and a way to move an object. The wrist will give the twisting motion. The fingers will be able to grab an object. Some people use grippers. The grippers work like sicorrs. There are also devices that act like sensory nerves. These devices are either light sensitive or switch activated. That way a robot would be able to tell where a light source is coming from or when it was running into a wall. The hardest part about making a robotic hand do something is to make the open and closing motion with the fingers. Humans have nerves and muscels that alow them to retract and contract their fingers. With a robot cables, motors, or pneumatic hydralics can be used. Strong cables can be used to give easy and quiet movements. Motors used with different gear ratios can make the fingers stronger when gripping or faster. By determining how much work would have to be done on the gear to make it spi n would make the gear lift an object with force.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Literature Review Online Billing System

CDMA BY OKAFOR CHIDUBEM KELVIN 10690152 A SEMINAR REPORT SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE MOSHOOD ABIOLA POLYTECHNIC,ABEOKUTA IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE AWARD OF NATIONAL DIPLOMA IN COMPUTER SCIENCE NOVEMBER, 2012 CHAPTER 1 1. 0 INTRODUCTION Mobile communications are rapidly becoming more and more necessary for everyday activities. With so many more users to accommodate, more efficient use of bandwidth is a priority among cellular phone system operators. Equally important is the security and reliability of these calls.One solution that has been offered is a CODE DIVISION MULTIPLE ACCESS SYSTEM. CDMA is one method for implementing a multiple access communication system. MULTIPLE ACCESS is a technique where many subscribers or local stations can share the use of the use of a communication channel at the same time or nearly so despite the fact originate from widely different locations. A channel can be thought of as merely a portion of the limited radio resource, which is temporarily allocated for a specific purpose, such as someone’s phone call.A multiple access method is a definition of how the radio spectrum is divided into channels and how the channels are allocated to the many users of the system. Since there are multiple users transmitting over the same channel, a method must be established so that individual users will not disrupt one another. There are essentially three ways to do this. Code Division Multiple Access is a new technology used in wireless communication devices. This technology made its commercial debut in the early nineties.Significant advantage of the CDMA is the fact that unlike other modulation schemes it does not have to allocate part of the frequency for each user. It allocates whole frequency spectrum to each user, distinguishing each signal with the unique pseudo-random sequence. CDMA stands for â€Å"Code Division Multiple Access. † It is a form of spread-spectrum, an advanced digital wireless transmissi on technique. Instead of using frequencies or time slots, as do traditional technologies, it uses mathematical codes to transmit and distinguish between multiple wireless conversations.Its bandwidth is much wider than that required for simple point-to-point communications at the same data rate because it uses noise-like carrier waves to spread the information contained in a signal of interest over a much greater bandwidth. However, because the conversations taking place are distinguished by digital codes, many users can share the same bandwidth simultaneously. We are moving into a new era of communications and information technology. Personal Competitiveness in business in relies more and more on increase personal productivity and responsiveness.Today everybody is on the move and mobile is the only way to keep contact with that person. 1 But now a days peoples want multimedia facilities from their mobile handset. But it requires high data rate, hi efficiency and many more technical things, which are available in third generation. (CDMA) so the CDMA TECHNOLOGY makes existing mobile handset more efficient and attractive. CDMA (3G) mobile devices and services will transform wireless communications into on-line, real-time connectivity. 3G wireless technology will allow an individual to have immediate access to location-specific ervices that offer information on demand. The first generation of mobile phones consisted of the analog models that emerged in the early 1980s. The second generation of digital mobile phones appeared about ten years later along with the first digital mobile networks. During the second generation, the mobile telecommunications industry experienced exponential growth both in terms of subscribers as well as new types of value-added services. Mobile phones are rapidly becoming the preferred means of personal communication, creating the world's largest consumer electronics industry.The rapid and efficient deployment of new wireless data and Inte rnet services has emerged as a critical priority for communications equipment manufacturers. Network components that enable wireless data services are fundamental to the next-generation network infrastructure. Wireless data services are expected to see the same explosive growth in demand that Internet service and wireless voice services have seen in recent years. 1. What is CDMA? Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) is a digital cellular spread-spectrum modulation technique that implements distributed voice and data networks.CDMA works by converting speech into digital information, which is then transmitted as a radio signal over a wireless network. CDMA does not assign a specific frequency to each user, but the full available spectrum. Each signal is encoded differently using a unique code. This way CDMA enables a large number of users to share the same frequency band at the same time, without interference. The receiving device is instructed to use the code to extract the data out of the received signal. 2 CHAPTER 2 2. 0 LITERATURE REVIEW 2. 1 HistoryThe first generation of cellular systems, which include the AMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone Systems), was introduced in the early 1980s. These systems used analog frequency modulation (FM) and have a frequency division multiple access (FDMA) based media access control (MAC) architecture. Within a few years, market demands and capacity requirements began to grow hitting the practical limitations. These limitations motivated the development of the second generation cellular systems, which improved compatibility and accommodated higher capacity than the first generation systems.These systems use digital modulation and processing techniques. TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access), GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) and (narrowband) CDMA belong to the second generation systems. CDMA was introduced in 1994, by Qualcomm, Inc. Using direct sequence code division multiple access, it claimed to provide 10 times more ca pacity than analog systems ? far more than TDMA or GSM. Today, CDMA is the basis to the third generation market in the United States and other places in the world. 2. 2 Background A cellular system is called so because it divides the service area into small transmission areas called cells.Each cell contains a base station (BTS), which consists of a transceiver and a receiver in order to connect   to mobile phones in the cell. Each cell is assigned a group of radio channels (frequencies). 3 2. 3 The Cellular Challenge The world's first cellular networks were introduced in the early 1980s, using analog radio transmission technologies such as AMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone System). Within a few years, cellular systems began to hit a capacity ceiling as millions of new subscribers signed up for service, demanding more and more airtime. Dropped calls and network busy signals became common in many areas.To accommodate more traffic within a limited amount of radio spectrum, the industry dev eloped a new set of digital wireless technologies called TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) and GSM (Global System for Mobile). TDMA and GSM used a time-sharing protocol to provide three to four times more capacity than analog systems. But just as TDMA was being standardized, an even better solution was found in CDMA. 2. 4 Commercial Development The founders of QUALCOMM realized that CDMA technology could be used in commercial cellular communications to make even better use of the radio spectrum than other technologies.They developed the key advances that made CDMA suitable for cellular, then demonstrated a working prototype and began to license the technology to telecom equipment manufacturers. The first CDMA networks were commercially launched in 1995, and provided roughly 10 times more capacity than analog networks – far more than TDMA or GSM. Since then, CDMA has become the fastest-growing of all wireless technologies, with over 100 million subscribers worldwide. In add ition to supporting more traffic, CDMA brings many other benefits to carriers and consumers, including better voice quality, broader coverage and stronger security. CHAPTER 3 3. 0 DISCUSSION 3. 1 Multiple Access Systems A Multiple access system is the technology that specifies the way multiple users can share the same transmission medium. There are three main types of multiple access system, each of which has its own way of sharing the bandwidth:   ? Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA) ?  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) ?  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) FDMA and TDMA are narrowband technologies, and CDMA is wideband. FDMA and TDMA In the FDMA technology, signals from various users are assigned different frequencies.When a frequency channel is assigned to a user, no other user of the same cell or in the neighboring cell can use it at the same time. In the TDMA technology, the information from each user is conveyed in time intervals cal led time slots. A few users using a different time slot might share the same frequency. When all the available time slots in a given frequency are used, a new user connecting to the system must be assigned a time slot on a different frequency. In a way, TDMA is very similar to a computer with only one processor that seems to run multiple processes simultaneously.Only one person is actually using the frequency channel at any given moment, and then has to give up the channel to allow other users to use it. Code division multiple access (CDMA) systems are spread spectrum systems in which the users are able to transmit simultaneously in the same frequency channel and use the entire system's spectrum. 5 2. FREQUENCY DIVISION MULTIPLE ACCESS In this technique, the available bandwidth is split up into non-overlapping frequency bands and these disjoint sub bands of frequency are allocated to the different users on a continuous time basis.In order to reduce interference between users allocat ed adjacent channel bands, channel bands are used to act as buffer zones, as illustrated in figure(1). These guard bands are necessary because of the impossibility of achieving ideal filtering for separating the different users. It could be compared to AM or FM broadcasting radio where each station has a frequency assigned. 3. 3 TIME DIVISION MULTIPLE ACCESS In this technique, each user is allocated the full spectral occupancy of The channel, but only for a short duration of time called time slot.Buffers zones are in the form of guard times are inserted between the assigned time slots. This is done to reduce interference between users by allowing for time uncertainty that arises due to system imperfections, especially in synchronization scheme. 3. 4 CODE DIVISION MULTIPLE ACCESS The above drawbacks are overcome in this third technique in which the users are spread across both frequency and time in the same Channel. This is a hybrid combination of FDMA and TDMA. For example, frequenc y hopping may be employed to ensure during each successive time slot, the frequency bands assigned to the users are recorded in random manner.During time slot 1, user 1 occupies frequency band 1, user 2 occupies frequency band 2, user 3 occupies band 3 and so on. During time slot 2, user 1 hops to frequency band 3, user 2 hops to band 1, user 3 hops to band 2, and so on. An important advantage of CDMA over FDMA and TDMA is that it can provide for secure communication. 6 3. 5 Generating the CDMA signal In the CDMA technique the signal transmissions among the multiple users completely overlap in both time and frequency. The separation between the users is made by assigning each user a unique code.Generally, CDMA converts analog voice signal to a digital signal, encodes the digital signals, and separates voice and control data into data streams called channels. Generating a CDMA signal is a five steps process: The first step is analog to digital conversion or A/D. The incoming voice si gnal is an analog signal meaning that it is changing constantly, taking on all possible values of amplitude range. The CDMA uses a digital signal for its further manipulations. That digital signal is characterized by discrete states. In that step the analog voice signal is quantized to form a digital signal consists of a few levels.The second step is voice coding or Vocoding. Voice encoding is the process of compressing the audio into as small a stream of bits as possible. The vocoder takes advantage of the pauses in speech to accomplish maximum compression. The Vocoder’s rate must be variable to fit the rate of the user’s speech activity. The third step is encoding and interleaving. This step purpose is to reduce the errors when receiving the signal. Interleaving is a method of reducing the effects of burst errors and recovering lost bits. The symbols are interleaved such that originally neighboring symbols will be transmitted far away from each other.In addition to t hat, the various encoding methods add redundancy to the signals to help the recovery of information at the receiver in case of errors. The forth step is channelizing. The signal of each user if further encoded to create a separation between different users. A unique identification code is given to each user and the signals of all users are transmitted together, sharing the same frequency and time. The CDMA receiver decodes the signal by multiplying it by a decoding sequence of the desired user. 7 Two common codes types are Walsh code and PN (pseudo random noise) code: The Walsh code is used for forward CDMA channel (e. . cell to mobile direction of communication). Walsh codes are orthogonal, meaning that the code of each user can be decoded at the receiver only by using the same Walsh code used to transmit the signal. The PN code is used for reverse CDMA channel (e. g. mobile to cell direction of communication). A series of digital signals 0? s and 1? s goes into an antipodal mappin g device to produce bit stream of negative and positive 1? s. Each user signal is then multiplied by the PN code series. At this moment the signals occupy a wide frequencies spectrum. The PN sequence rate is much higher than that of the original signal. It is enerated in a deterministic manner, and is repetitive. However there are about 4. 4 trillion combinations of this code, and for practical purposes we may assume that this sequence is truly random. The data signal and the PN sequence can be described mathematically as follows: The data signal b(t) is expressed as [pic] Where – [pic]  is an independent identically distributed random variable representing the i-th data bit. [pic]  is a unit rectangular pulse given by   [pic]  = 1 for 0 ? t ? T and zero otherwise. T is the data bit duration. The data signal b(t) is spread using the PN sequence a(t). This PN sequence is expressed as [pic] Where pic]  is the j-th chip of the periodic PN sequence. [pic]  is a unit r ectangular pulse duration TC. The sequence a(t) is a binary sequence like b(t), but at a much higher rate as mentioned before. 8 The fifth step is digital to radio frequency (RF) conversion. The stream of bits should be somehow delivered from one end to the other. The RF is a method of carrying the information through the air Digital data signals are combined into one signal and converted to a RF signal for that transmission process. Returning to mathematical representation: The spread data is modulated by the carrier at frequency wc radians/s, phase q and power P.The transmitted signal s(t) is then expressed as [pic] 9 3. 6ADVANTAGES ? INCRESED VOICE CAPACITY: Voice is the major source of traffic and revenue for wireless operators, but packet data will emerge in coming years as an important source of incremental revenue. CDMA2000 delivers the highest voice capacity and packet data throughput using the least amount of spectrum for the lowest cost. ? HIGHER DATA THROUGHPUT: Today's c ommercial CDMA2000 1X networks (phase 1) support a peak data rate of 153. 6 kbps. CDMA2000 1xEV-DO, commercial in Korea, enables peak rates of up to 2. 4 Mbps and CDMA2000 1xEV-DV will be capable of delivering data of 3. 9 Mbps. ? INCREASED BATTERY LIFE: CDMA2000 significantly enhances battery performance. Benefits include: †¢ Quick paging channel operation ? Improved reverse link performance ? New common channel structure and operation ? Reverse link gated transmission ? TRANSMIT DIVERSITY: Transmit diversity consists of de-multiplexing and modulating data into two orthogonal signals, each of them transmitted from a different antenna at the same frequency. The two orthogonal signals are generated using either Orthogonal Transmit Diversity (OTD) or Space-Time Spreading (STS).The receiver reconstructs the original signal using the diversity signals, thus taking advantage of the additional space and/or frequency diversity. DISADVANTAGES 1. Multi-user interference or multiple acce ss interference(MAI) 2. Multi-path fading 3. near- for problem 10 CHAPTER 4 CONCLUSION CDMA is radically a new concept in wireless communication. It has gained widespread international acceptance by cellular radio system operators as an upgrade that will dramatically increase both their systems capacity and the service quality.Moreover it spread spectrum technology is both more secure , less probable to intercept and jam, highly private and offer higher transmission quality than TDMA because of its increase resistance to multipath distortion . The principle type of CDMA systems are direct sequence CDMA, frequency hopping CDMA and multicarrier CDMA. The major problem in CDMA is the multiple Access interference (MAI) which arises due the deviation of the spreading codes from perfect orthogonally.Capacity of CDMA is interference limited . the obvious way to increase capacity of the CDMA is to reduce the level of interference. This is achieved by reducing cross correlation, power contro l and with antenna arrays. 11 REFERENCE Reference Books:- †¢ Simon Haykins –Communication Systems-John Willy & Sons , Fourth edition †¢ CDMA TECHNIQUES FOR THIRD GENERATION MOBILE SYSTEM by Francis Swarts ,PETER Van Rooyan , Ian Opperman & Michael P. Loyyer Reference Websites:- †¢ http://www. telecomresearch. com 12

Friday, August 16, 2019

How does energy drinks at school effect the students Essay

In general, many people on school drink and buy energy drinks, also during school. It is bought so often, because those energy drinks are very cheap and delicious. Those energy drinks are found almost everywhere; at supermarkets, petrol stations, hospitals and more and more. Energy drinks shouldn’t supported so much, because it has very badly side-effects. Researchers have proven that those energy drinks have side-effects. I will sum up the side-effects: -Diabetes, the energy drinks contain much sugar what provokes diabetes, what a very bad decease is. -Hyperactivity, the content of caffeine is very high what leads to very abnormal active childrens at school. -Arteriosclerosis, the drinks also lead to a higher production of calcium in the veins. -Arterial occlusion, because of the drinks people will have a higher cholesterol content. -Fatness, in general, people will higher fat production what leads to fatness. At school must the drinks been banned, and there must be controls to make sure that none of the students drink those drinks. And there must be sanctions when students have those drinks at school or if they drinks them. The parents must be informed about those sanctions, those side-effects. because of this, the parents are capable to talk to their children(s) about these drinks to inform them about the dangers Also the supermarkets have to do something at those things. They can lower their quantity and orders of those drinks, so there will be less bought drinks. Or they can set a limit at the quantity of how much you can buy on 1 day. Advertising can be reduced, like it has been done with tabac. The prices can be raised, so the people are less like to buy many of these drinks. Factories also have to do something at this problem. The quantity of how much they produce can be lowered, this causes a lack of offers what causes higher prices in the stores, and that will reduce the purchase quantity. Change the content of those bad matter and the many side-effects are gone. They also can stop their advertising of this product and stop supporting the drinks. After all, the people have to be careful with those drinks and inform the people about the dangers. There are solutions to solve this problems, but the companies and the consumers have to work along with this, otherwise it won’t help.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Live Life On Purpose

My purpose in life is to be successful in what I want to be become and just life general. Life can be tough at times, but when have my family there to soups art and help push me through those times it will become easier. That is why I drew my fame ill on my surfboard. Just the help and support from my family won't make me successful LU. I am the one who needs to make me successful. In the future, I want to become a photographer/film editor. In order for me to pursue what I want to become I have to finish and pass high school and get AC accepted into the college/ university I would like to attend.The Academy of Art University is where would like to major in photography and Fine Arts. Need to make sure get g DOD grades throughout high school. Yet, for me to pass high school with Ass and B' s I need work my hardest and study hard. This is why I chose a picture of a camera, dry ewe a book and wrote down â€Å"Academy of Art University' on my surfboard. â€Å"layoff have faith anything is possible. † this is said by Betray Hamilton in the movie Soul Surfer. Strongly agree with Betray. I believe that if I don't have f that in myself won't become what I want to be and be successful in it.I need to have e faith and confidence in myself for me to pass and graduate high school, get accepted in to the Academy of Art University, and graduate college in what I want to major in. The at is why I quoted Betray on my surfboard. Also, another challenge for me to become successful and live my purpose of lie fee is money. College is a lot of money to enroll, books, classes, supplies etc. I can' t just rely on my parents and family to pay all of it. I'm going to have to pay for most enrollment, gas, a place to live, groceries and everything else in order to live.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Informative Outline (Anxiety)

Introduction I. Think about a time when your breathing quickened, your muscles tensed, and your heart pounded with a sudden sense of dread. II. Was it when your car almost went off the road from the rain? Or maybe when your teacher announced you had a test? III. Anytime you face wheat seems to be a serious threat to your well-being, you may react with the state of immediate alarm known as fear. IV. You may not always be able to pinpoint a specific cause for your alarm, but still you feel tense and edgy. V.I’m going to inform you all on what it’s like to live a day in a person’s life who has anxiety disorder. VI. Thesis: There are a few things you should know to truly be able to understand someone who has anxiety disorder: A. What anxiety is. B. Symptoms of anxiety C. The causes of anxiety D. The effects of anxiety E. Treatments for anxiety Body I. Anxiety is usually defined as a vague sense of being in danger. A. It has the same features as fear; including increa se in breathing, muscular tension, perspiration, and so forth. B.Sometimes anxiety keeps people on their toes meaning; we may drive more cauciously in a storm, pay attention to due date more, and leaving your house in enough time to be where you need to be a little early. C. However, some people experience such disabling fear and anxiety that they cannot lead a normal life. 1. Their discomfort is severe which sometimes last too long or is triggered easily. 2. These are people who are said to have anxiety disorder. D. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental disorders in the United States. transition; People with generalized anxiety disorder experience constant worry. ) II. Because each person has a unique chemical make up; the type number, intensity, and frequency of anxiety symptoms will vary from person to person. A. Symptoms of anxiety; feel restless, keyed up, or on edge; tire easily; have difficulty concentrating; suffer from muscle tension; and have sleep problems. 1. The symptoms last at least six months. 2. Usually it appears in adolescence or childhood. 3. Women diagnosed with the disorder out-number men 2 to 1. . Studies have found that people in highly threatening environments are indeed more likely to develop this disorder. a. For example months and even years following Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the rate of generalized anxiety disorder and other anxiety disorders were twice as high of residents who lived through the disaster than people who lived elsewhere. B. Other anxiety symptoms are described as being like a hypochondriac in other words have constant worry over: 1. Having a heart attack. 2. Having a serious undetected illness. 3.Losing control of thoughts or actions. 4. And being alone. C. It’s not uncommon with anxiety disorder to also suffer from depression or vice versa. Nearly one half of those diagnosed with anxiety are also diagnosed with depression. (transition; With anxiety disorder some people can hold a job and function so cially, where others can’t even leave their homes. ) I. The exact cause of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is unknown however, evidence that biological factors, family background, and life experiences, particularly stressful ones, play a role.A. Anxiety could be genetically inherited or also something that we create. B. Parents can also mentally cause or pass their own anxiety on by the ways they have raised you and the way they have taught you to interact with the world. (transition; Only about 1/3 of those suffering seek treatment. ) I. While medications and other therapies reduce symptoms and help diminish anxiety, we shouldn’t consider it a cure. A. Learning what anxiety is, what it does to the mind and body, and more importantly, what you can do to eliminate it IS the cure. B.Anxiety is a condition that has the potential to return again and again unless you receive the proper information, help, and support from your loved ones. 1. Knowledge is the power to reco very. C. Relaxation techniques, meditation, yoga, exercise, and other alternative treatments may also become part of the treatment plan. 1. If you have co-occurring conditions such as anxiety and depression it should also be treated appropriately. (transition; 40 million adults ages 18 and older suffer from this disorder making it the most common mental illness in the United States.Conclusion I. I am one who experiences this disorder. A. Because I do experience this disorder, I understand it intimately. B. If you have any questions about your anxiety it can be helpful to not only talk with a therapist but also to someone who has actually experienced the disorder because we aren’t going to be stumped, or puzzled by your symptoms and you don’t have to feel embarrassed. II. I hope after learning more about Generalized Anxiety Disorder you can use the information I provided to help and support someone you know that is experiencing this terrible disorder.

The Performance Management System Of Colbran Medical Institute Essay - 1

The Performance Management System Of Colbran Medical Institute - Essay Example They tend to contribute towards their organization staunchly and scrupulously only when they are motivated, and their contributions are valued and appreciated by their organization. Valuing one's contribution and supporting their initiatives is possible only when an organization realizes its employees’ contribution in a way it should be realized. This is possible with the proper implementation of an objective performance management system. Using objective measures of performance evaluation makes employees clear that organization follows procedural justice and rewards them according to their contribution. The end result of objective performance evaluation is motivation, commitment, encouragement, job satisfaction, and greater employee retention that contribute towards organization’s profitability in the long run. Moreover, with objective performance appraisal followed by good reward administration makes employees loyal and more committed towards their respective organiza tions. Thus, we can say that objective performance evaluation followed by performance appraisal accompanied by proper reward administration makes employees motivated and committed towards the organization. This paper focuses on the performance management system that will be suggested for Colbran medical institute in pursuit of removing its flaws in its current performance appraisal. Why organizations need performance management system is an important question. Most of the researchers argued that for unbiased performance evaluation, implementation of performance appraisal system is compulsory because it works by taking into account key performance indicators (KPI) and key performance results (KPR). When organizations communicate their employees the performance standards and key performance indicators clearly, that helps businesses in achieving competitive advantage because employees with a clear goal of what is expected of them.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Economic Force that Have Shaped the Development of this Country Essay

Economic Force that Have Shaped the Development of this Country - Essay Example Scare resources have contributed to the unfavorable living conditions in Jamestown in 1607. Famine had greatly reduced the population of settlers over the course of a few years. In 1620, the search for a more favorable location led other immigrants to a New England coastal site they called Plymouth. Though severe weather had caused casualties, some were able to survive and in 1621, they reaped the village’s first harvest. This subsistence economy shaped the development of the first immigrant settlements in British America. Several years later, with the development of proprietary colonies south of New England, a new economic force began to shape the settlements. In Carolina, the effect of dissimilar production approach showed different economic results. The southern part of the colony focused on cultivating the highly profitable rice. They managed huge crop plantations with the help of black slaves. The economic condition in the north, where tobacco was cultivated in small plantations, was less prosperous. During the 1700s, London imparted a blow to the budding economy of the colonies. From 1764, British taxes were imposed on goods imported by British America. These taxation policies affected imports of sugar, wine, and textile (Sugar Act of 1764), newspapers and legal papers (1765’s Stamp Act), and paper, paint, lead, glass, and tea (Townshend Acts of 1767). The colonies responded by boycotting British goods, and this led to the growing political tension between London and British America. During the early years of the independent America, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison advocated economic policies to improve the condition and overall well-being of the country. These policies exemplified an agrarian model of commercial society (Henretta, 1995). While the system allowed the farmers to manage the productive sources, it left them with the

Monday, August 12, 2019

Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 8

Report - Essay Example As owner, I must procure a good flatbed scanner that can meet the demands of my business. Initially, there are brands that we can choose from, namely : CanoScan 8800F, Epson Perfection V500 and HP ScanJet 8270.These models are competitive and their brand name suggests quality and reliability. However, the company needs only to fulfill some basic requirements in choosing a flatbed scanner. Some of the main requirements for buying a scanner are the following: All of the scanners have no warm up time which means faster scanning. The three scanners also have same connectivity ( USB 2.0 ) and minimum48 bit color . Among the group, the Epson Perfection has the best scan resolution although the HP ScanJet 8270 has the fastest scan speed. However, price is also a consideration in any organization since it translates to cost. Among the three products, the one that I would highly recommend is the Epson Perfection V500 for three good reasons: affordability, quality and speed. The Comparison Index has shown the specifications of the scanners and the Epson can meet the requirements of the company. Although the maximum size is limited to 11.4, there is still possibility for enlargements. It is not as fast as the HP ScanJet 8270 but it can deliver quality and fast scan that is crucial to the operations. In addition to this, the Epson Perfection V500 was chosen by PC magazine as â€Å"Top Pick for Black Friday† in 2007. According to Stone’s review ( 2007): Like almost any flatbed scanner, the V500 can handle all-purpose scanning, but its focused on photos. This makes it most appropriate for anyone (short of a professional photographer) who needs to scan a backlog of prints and film (including slides) to digital format. (, 2007) Thus, aside from the technical specifications, the reviews about this product can guarantee us that users are satisfied with its

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Radisson hotels and resorts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Radisson hotels and resorts - Essay Example Accounting plays a very crucial and essential role in every trade, business and institution. A lot of people is under the assumption that accounting is similar to book-keeping, but in actual sense, book-keeping is just a subset of accounting. So, what is accountingAccounting is a system that provides quantitative information about finances. ("The Free Dictionary" by Farlex). Accounting covers a wide range of tasks from updating and maintaining of accounting records; recording of business transactions; accounts balancing and reconciliation; accounts reporting amongst others. An accounting system is in short, an information system that facilitates the process of accounting: bookkeeping (recording), classification, reporting and interpretation of business transactions.In the conventional form of accounting (manual accounting), multiple books are being kept for different tasks/different accounts and this resulted in data duplication. As with data duplication: increased data means increas ed possibilities of errors; updates to data has to be ensured that all the matching records are updated- otherwise it will result in data being out of synchronisation. Manual accounting is a very labour intensive and time consuming process.However, the modern day technology has brought about various accounting systems that optimise the accounting process, resulting in greater efficiency and increased effectiveness. The automated accounting systems also promote a higher level of accuracy and tighter security. This paper is written based on the implementation of SAGE ACCPAC accounting system by the Radisson Hotels and Resorts. Brief Overview: Radisson Hotels and Resorts (Carlson Hospitality Worldwide) Radisson Hotels and Resorts operates, manages and franchises over 430 hotels and resorts, in 59 countries. It is part of Carlson Hospitality Worldwide whose parent is Carlson Companies, Inc., one of the largest privately owned corporations in the United States. As their hotels and resorts were using a wide variety of accounting systems, it resulted in reduced efficiency and higher operational cost. It was also more time consuming and staff intensive to consolidate the financial data from the different systems. These prompted Radisson to sought for a better solution to integrate their financial systems. (ACCPAC International Inc, 2002) SAGE ACCPAC ERP (formerly known as ACCPAC Advantage Series ) Sage ACCPAC ERP is a sophisticated, robust accounting and operations system. Radisson opted to implement the Sage ACCPAC with ACCPAC online. The ACCPAC Online provides the same power and flexibility as SAGE ACCPAC, and has an additional benefit: complete accessibility to the accounting system through a standard web browser. Because Sage ACCPAC ERP is very robust, its capability can be extended to be more than just an accounting system. Sage ACCPAC has built their software solution in a modular design, which means, customers can 'mix and match' the modules to fit to their needs. Radisson's customised solution is a combination of the following Sage ACCPAC modules: General Ledger Accounts Payable Accounts Receivable Inventory Control Module Purchase Orders Module Payroll Module General Ledger Module The General Ledger module is the main module (foundation) of any accounting system, and therefore, understanding the capability of this module is the most important. This ACCPAC General Ledger module fully integrates with the other ACCPAC advantage Series modules. It offers a flexible account structure, and budgeting capabilities. It is also used to generate financial reports, and provides the ability to drill down to originating transaction in other modules such as Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable. Accounts Payable Module The Accounts Payable module provides a set of accounting and reporting features to manage the detailed information such as vendor record, transaction processing, flexible cash disbursement and full check reconciliation. The database is designed in a way where user can access